10 in stock
Key words: protection, grounding, detoxifying
Bloodstone is an effective gemstone for purifying the blood and promoting healing. It is also a valuable crystal that can enhance intuition and unleash creativity. This stone is also known for bringing out the best in us: honesty, compassion, and resilience.
This stone has the ability to ward off negative energies from the environment, making it incredibly useful in combating the effects of electronics (it is known to draw these negative vibes out of your system and create a sense of calm and well-being around you).
Bloodstone is my favourite stone I’m an Aries and although we’re supposed aquamarine we are supposed to be bloodstone as well. I love this stone. It is very unusual. I intend to buy small to put in my beautiful little copper bowl which I’ve purchased from Almadavina all the crystals and stones are beautiful from this amazing store.
My favourite stone I’m an Aries. Apparently our birthstone is aquamarine but I’ve also been told it’s bloodstone which is my favourite. Anyway I have bought a couple but I’m going to buy some more to put in my beautiful little dish that I bought from.Almadavina they are very unique and unusual
Bloodstone, I believe is my birthstone with aquamarine, I prefer the bloodstone that’s why I bought them. They are amazing. I have one that I can wear in a necklace cage which I wear quite a bit as well. they are fascinating stones very different from anything else, but as I’m an Aries I’m drawn to them