If you are aspiring to live a more spiritual life, you've heard it. "Raise your vibration.", "Vibrate at a higher frequency." Going hand in hand with those statements are the ideas of manifestation and law of attraction. For you to excel at being a manifestor and attracting all your hearts' desires, you need to first understand what it is to vibrate at a higher frequency. But what does that actually mean, and how can you achieve it? Let's start from the beginning.
Vibration and Frequency
According to quantum physics, everything in the universe vibrates at a specific frequency, including what you think and how you feel. These vibrations create energetic fields that interact with each other. Things vibrating in similar frequencies interact with each other.
What does that mean?
To simplify it, imagine everything around us is like music - your thoughts, feelings, and even physical things - and each thing has its own kind of music that makes it what it is. Now, this music that everything has is really important because it makes things act and react with each other. Just like how some types of music make you feel happy and want to dance, and others might make you feel calm and sleepy, the music of everything in the world makes things happen.
Like music, everything in the world has its own vibe, and that vibe affects your surroundings. And, as specified in the law of attraction, the energy you emit through your thoughts, feelings, and actions attracts similar energies back to you. When you maintain a positive and high-frequency energy, you tend to attract positive experiences, people, and opportunities into your life.
Your personal energy - your aura, which is influenced by your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions, can be perceived and felt by others. When you cultivate a strong, positive energy field, people are naturally drawn to your presence and are influenced by the way you behave.
How does the frequency I vibrate at affect my relationship with life and the things that I desire?
By aligning your thoughts, intentions, and actions with positive energy, you increase the likelihood of achieving what you desire, because you attract it. The universe gives you more of what you show interest towards.
The way that the universe identifies what you want is by feeling where you position your energy and thoughts. So if you are always grumpy, always complaining, always talking about what you do not have, the universe will understand that that is what you like, and will give you more of it. Stress, negativity, and low-frequency vibrations contribute to illness and imbalance in the body. Equally, you are more likely to attract negative people into your life, and people who cause drama, who have a tendency to gossip and share bad habits with you, such as excessive drinking and speaking ill of people and things.
When you vibrate at a high frequency, which presents itself through things like love, joy, gratitude, and compassion, you radiate positive energy; and this attracts people to you, because it is a nice, warm energy. Furthermore, the quality of your interactions increases, and the people who surround you will share those positive qualities with you.
How to raise your vibration
The good news is there are no big secrets or complex recipes. Simply put, practising meditation, prayer, mindfulness, compassion, and kindness helps you to connect with higher states of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.
To raise your energetic frequency, to higher your vibration, to tune into the music of joy, abundance and fulfilment, you can follow this simple guidance and watch your life improve.
Five ways to raise your vibration
1. Self-awareness: Become mindful of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Choose to focus on positive thoughts and let go of negative patterns.
2. Gratitude: Practise gratitude daily to cultivate a positive mindset and attract more abundance into your life.
3. Healthy lifestyle: Eat nutritious foods, exercise regularly, get enough rest, and minimise stress to maintain a balanced energy field. And if you twitch at the word “exercise”, keep it simple and fun. Go for a walk, dance in the middle of your kitchen like no one is watching, or choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator.
4. Mindfulness and meditation: Regular meditation and mindfulness practices can help you centre yourself, increase self-awareness, and raise your vibrational frequency. To deepen your meditation practice, try diffusing essential oil blends that are specifically crafted to support focus and tranquillity, or light a candle to create a soothing atmosphere.
5. Surroundings: Surround yourself with positive influences, supportive relationships, and environments that resonate with your values and goals.
By sending these signals to the universe, you will receive similar signals in return.
As you can see, raising your vibration and keeping it high is a daily practice and a simple one. By consciously choosing to think positive thoughts, by being kind, helpful and charitable, and by nurturing your body, you are already on a beautiful path towards a happier, healthier you.
Remember, the tools you use in your journey matter. Surround yourself with not just positive influences, but also with items that support your vibrational goals—like our candles and essential oil blends designed to help you elevate your energy every day.
Featured Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash